
NOTE: This is just something I felt I needed to get out today.

So, I read the “Not so Awesome” document after a year, finally.

Oh, good Lord, that was a mistake.

Not because I find anything in it false – far from it. I am just so disappointed that someone like Doug Walker – a man who I used to look up to as a film critic – turned out to be complicit in so much gross unprofessionalism and abuse, even partaking in some of it himself (the one that really gets me is where he had to be informed of having food and water on set as an industry standard after he laughed it off as some kind of “princess” request as Lindsay Ellis puts it. Shows what he really knows about filmmaking, huh?).

Now, I had known about the whole Channel Awesome controversy ever since it started in April of 2018, but I was still willing to give Doug Walker and his associated the benefit of the doubt. I even continued to watch his Nostalgia Critic videos because I still thought they were funny, even if Mr. Walker still displayed a lot of deficiencies in his film critiquing style.

But then, everything changed after I watched a documentary by Rob Boor – AKA Cinematic Venom – entitled The Downfall of Channel Awesome, wherein he did a comprehensive breakdown of everything that went down at the company and did an overview of the “Not so Awesome” document, which you can find at this link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GL3hOA0XgPc).

And still after that, I would find myself watching some of the Nostalgia Critic’s videos…only to be let down soon after, but the point remains!

But today, the camel’s back has finally been broken by the one single straw: the “Not so Awesome” document itself. I decided to read it from start to finish.

And because of that, I no longer support Channel Awesome. I do not care about the Nostalgia Critic or anything they put out. Unless they apologize for all of their wrongdoings instead of that mediocre apology they put out last April, I want nothing more to do with Nostalgia Critic or anything of the like.

Now, I must end this statement by saying that last year when the controversy was just starting, I posted a letter to Doug Walker, Malcolm, and Tamara, wishing them well and hoping they get through this ordeal all right and that I see more videos from them in the future. But now, I completely recant that statement because I feel they no longer deserve my support. Now, that doesn’t mean I want to go bullying them on Twitter and YOU SHOULD NOT EITHER! But it does mean that I now see that all three of them are, as Tony Stark so eloquently put it, part of a system that is comfortable with zero accountability, and I just cannot support that. I can pray to God that the higher-ups at Channel Awesome will realize the error of their ways and issue a heartfelt apology, but the cynical part of me knows that it probably won’t happen.

So, I will simply end this by stating….



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